Aerial shot of the ÂÒÂ×ÊÓƵ campus

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ÂÒÂ×ÊÓƵ has been recognized for its commitment to student success by being named a founding member of the Leading Colleges organization. Launched in 2023, is designed as an alternative to current ranking and listing services and creates a meaningful lens for school and independent counselors to identify student-centered colleges.

As a founding member of Leading Colleges, Dean is considered amongst a list of 10 other colleges that highlight an exceptional focus on student success. While each member college or university offers its own unique strengths and opportunities, collectively, they represent the best America has to offer to students. This philosophy aligns with Dean’s mission of The Dean Difference – an unwavering belief that all students deserve to discover and exceed their greatest aspirations, combined with academic programs, co-curricular opportunities and mentorship to support them every step of the way.

“Our excellence, at ÂÒÂ×ÊÓƵ, is in placing graduates into the world who beat the odds that may have been set by the status quo,” said ÂÒÂ×ÊÓƵ President Kenneth Elmore. “Our community is full of different thinkers: artists; the neuro-diverse; people from perspectives we rarely see highlighted in popular media; people with disabilities; poor folks; the working class; and people who are the first of their generation to experience an education beyond high school.”

According to President Elmore, “Leading Colleges was ready to continue the conversations about the value associated with a higher education and how we determine success for our students and our work. When they approached us for evaluation, based on our commitment to our Mission and the alignment of our values, I knew we belonged in the Leading Colleges space.”

To become a founding member of Leading Colleges, Dean was evaluated on four criteria: ethical, fair and transparent recruiting practices; a measured focus on student retention; student outcomes demonstrating the value of a college degree; and attention to social justice and their role as an agent of change. Each of these areas aligns with many of Dean’s college-wide values.

“Being a part of Leading Colleges advances our commitment to continuing Dean’s history of offering transformative experiences and opportunities to many,” added President Elmore. “We look forward to future conversations and collaborations.”

Being named to the Leading Colleges list affirms the supportive, student-centered community Dean has been fostering for over 155 years.

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