Graphic that reads "Transformation Tuesday" with a photo of Angel R. '23

Every week, we’re showcasing our graduating students as they prepare to say goodbye to Dean. On each #TransformationTuesday, you’ll get a before and after look at where they started vs. where they are now. Next up is Angel Rivera ’23, a Sport Management major and a member of the .

Q: How has your experience at Dean shaped you?   Angel Rivera

Angel: “As a transfer student, you never know what's going to happen when you switch schools from what you thought was the right path for you. When I first arrived at Dean, I was the shy kid with braces who didn't really fit in. Time went by and I am now a very outgoing person who has lots of leadership roles on campus. Not only is Dean a great school to study at, but it's also a place where I found a home away from home.”

Q: What is your favorite memory from your time at Dean?

Angel: “My favorite memory would have to be when I scored my first goal for the men's soccer program. It was truly an unforgettable feeling and rush of excitement. My celebration was top tier too!”

Q: How has Dean prepared you for the future?

Angel: “Dean has brought me to heights I didn't know were imaginable. After I graduate, I will be attending Bryant University to obtain my master’s degree. That wouldn't be possible with the help of Thea Cerio, Kristin Fitzgerald, and the entire Success and Career Advising office.”

Check back throughout the semester as we profile members of the Class of 2023 and see how far they’ve come throughout their time at Dean!