Three students sitting at a table in the library doing work on their laptops at ÂÒÂ×ÊÓƵ

Finals week is almost here! As your classes wind down and the holiday season ramps up, we’ve got some tips and tricks to make sure you finish out the semester strong.

  • Manage your time. The end of the semester can feel overwhelming, between final projects and studying for exams, but with a little time management, you can get everything done. Make a schedule of all your deadlines and exam times, so you can keep track of what you need to do. Then prioritize your tasks and block off time in your calendar to work on each one. Don’t forget to schedule in some breaks, too!
  • Take advantage of campus resources. There are plenty of people and places on campus to find the help you need to get through this week – and all semester long. The Morton Family Learning Center and the Theodore and Cynthia Berenson Center for Writing, Mathematics and Presentation Excellence offer countless resources to help you succeed, Counseling Services is there if you’re feeling anxious or stressed, and your professors and Success and Career Advisors are there for you every step of the way.
  • Get enough sleep. It might be tempting to stay up late studying or pull an all-nighter to finish off your paper, but it won’t help you in the long run. Getting enough sleep is not only important for your health, but will also help you remember your material and be well-rested for your exams. Make sure you close your laptop at a reasonable hour each night, and take a 20-minute power nap during the day if needed.
  • Don’t forget to have some fun. Taking breaks to recharge is key! And with the holiday season coming up, we’ve got plenty of fun to be had right on campus. Grab your friends and celebrate the last day of classes at Winter Fest, featuring a mechanical snowboard, giant snow globe and winter hats. Take a break from studying at our Late Night Breakfast, one of our favorite campus traditions. You can even grab a coffee and take a walk around campus and downtown Franklin to take in the holiday lights. Not only will this give your brain a much-needed break from studying, but you’ll also make memories with friends in the process.

Good luck with finals, Bulldogs – you’ve got this! Learn more about student support and success at Dean.